Monday, April 16, 2012

Ganbatte Kudasai!!!

Today, the BMW class finished early. Jadi Chidori dengan gembiranya pergi beli makanan. I choose to eat bihun sup.
I really like whatever it is that is not spicy. Dengan kuatnya Chidori cakap kat kakak yang sediakan bihun, "Kak! Saya TAK NAK LADA!" Loud and clear. <3

Lately I ate a lot. (Especially cause I just went back to my home town.) I said to Otousan, "Oh no! Nanti berat Chidori naik :'(

But Otousan said, "Alah, tak apa. Chidori kan duduk tingkat empat."
Tapi kalau makan banyak and then tak exercise tak boleh jugak kan? Oh well, I guess I have to diet now. Kata orang,
"If you eat tasty food, your body will become more pretty."
Uwaaaaah!! Let's eat then~
Thank you for the food!! (0v0)